Breast Thermography: Is it right for you?
Donna Marie Scippa, N.P., CTT
Marianne Scippa, RPP, RPE
Allen Tomson, D.C.
Donna Marie Scippa, N.P., CTT
Marianne Scippa, RPP, RPE
Allen Tomson, D.C.
Breast Thermography Specialists
Have you heard that thermography can be a safer alternative to having a mammogram but don’t know much about it?
Do you have a family history of breast cancer and want to find an early, reliable way to detect abnormal cell growth?
Thermography is a non-invasive, inexpensive and state-of-the-art method for detecting cancer. The technology used to perform thermograms is considered one of the most reliable for risk assessment and detection of breast cancer and can be used for women of any age. There is no radiation, touching or compression involved!
Register for Neck Back & Beyond's Thermography Clinic. Appointments available October 19-23rd
What you’ll learn from Dr. Tomson, Donna Marie, and Marianne:
Earliest signs that breast cancer may be forming
Individualized breast cancer risk assessment
A role in breast cancer prevention
Why imaging for younger women is important
Meet Donna Marie Scippa, CTT - Certified Thermography Technician
Donna Marie has been a nurse practitioner in Women's Health for more than 20 years. Her passion for the health of women comes from the loss of her own mother to breast cancer 3 months shy of her 4th birthday, (her mom was 33), and the reality of being the mom of a young woman who grew up in Marin County.
She has worked in many different venues from Planned Parenthood, to the student health center at San Francisco State, from the osteoporosis research clinic at UCSF to private practice. It has been an inspiring and highly educational journey.
Everywhere she has gone, her fascination with integrative therapies has grown, and she has watched many of her patients do well with an integrative approach. This caused her to want to become more knowledgeable about these therapies.
Her interest was so peaked that she became a certified massage therapist and a certified biofeedback specialist. She has also studied kinesiology, women's nutrition and Touch for Health and is currently studying hypnotherapy.
When she was introduced to thermography and saw its value as a screening tool and early warning test for breast cancer, she trained as a technician in order to provide this important service. Her goal is to reach out to the community in order to educate the public about thermography and its place in healthcare today.
Meet Dr. Tomson
Dr. Tomson is a Chiropractic Physician and holistic practitioner with over 25 years of experience, 14 of those in the Fairfax Virginia area. In addition to his private practice, Dr. Tomson frequently provides educational sessions for groups on a variety of health related topics. He consults to individuals and organizations on workplace stress and computer ergonomics.
The primary Chiropractic technique Dr. Tomson uses is Sacro-Occipital Technique. Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) is a specific low force chiropractic system of balancing the entire body. It was developed over 70 years ago by Dr. DeJarnette and has been refined over time. This technique uses 3 different methods:
· Pelvic alignment,
· Cranial therapy, and
· Organ reflex technique.
In a typical therapy session he blends SOT with Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation.
Meet Marianne Scippa, RPP, RPE, LDT - Polarity & Lymph Drainage Therapies
Marianne is a certified Polarity Therapist (RPP), Registered Polarity Educator (RPE) and Lymph Drainage Therapist (LDT). She works to tailor your individual session to meet your specific needs based on an interview and conversations. Her operating principles are based on the belief that our intention for healthy work-lifestyles, result in enhanced productivity and greater opportunities for harmony in life. *For over 25 years she has been facilitating the personal and professional development of individuals and organizations bringing an innovative combination of psychology, holistic health care and organizational development to her work with companies. Her current passion includes a new series of experiential work-life wellness programs for small and large companies that she has created along with her husband, Dr. Allen Tompson.