The mouth is the gateway to the body, and a key player to turn on wellness and turn back illness. Impaired Mouth Syndrome is a diverse set of health and financial troubles stemming from impaired mouth as a defective infrastructure. This lecture connects the dots from your medical-dental-mood symptoms to sleep, airway, energy, and finally to your mouth structure. Come to see if your mouth is a health-builder, or trouble maker. The higher your Impaired Mouth Syndrome Score, the more you need to charge of your mouth to support your health. Dr. Liao will show a natural solution that takes place while you sleep, without using medication, surgery, injections, or drilling. Topics include:
• Symptoms resulting from sleeping with a choked airway inside an impaired mouth.
• Building bones with better nutrition and sleep
• Lower dental sensitivity, healthcare cost, and risk for heart disease and Alzheimer’s
• How to recognize an impaired mouth and what Holistic Mouth Solutions are
• “Life-changing” cases of real-life patients
This lecture is free of charge, but seating is limited to 15, so RSVP for Dr. Liao's Lecture 3/26/2017 is required.