The movie showing this month will be Food Choices.
This ground-breaking documentary explores the impact that food choices have on people's health, the health of our planet and on the lives of other living species. And also discusses several misconceptions about food and diet, offering a unique new perspective on these issues.
Featuring interviews with 28 world-renowned experts, including Dr. T Colin Campbell, Joe Cross, Dr. John McDougall, Capitan Paul Watson, Dr. Pam Popper, Dr. Michael Greger, Rich Roll, Dr. Richard Oppenlander, Dr. Toni Bark and several others. This film will certainly change the way you look at the food on your plate. This film will support the following non-profit organizations to help feed malnourished children around the world with healthy nutritious meals. And promote sustainable agriculture.
Enjoy delicious healthy snacks. Professionals will be on hand to talk with and answer questions!
$5 for admission that benefits a local charity! Bring a friend or make some here!
Register today by calling 703-865-5690 or send an email to